Nikolaos Serblias, kensor, judge and grand kourator of Tarsos and Seleukeia
Los 3671
Nikolaos Serblias, kensor, judge and grand kourator of Tarsos and Seleukeia, mid 11th century. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 22.72 g, 12 h). O / A/ΓI/O/C - [NI]/KO/ΛA/O, Saint Nicholas, nimbate, standing facing, raising his right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in his left. Rev. +NIKOΛ, / KENCⲰP / KPIT, KAI / KOVPATⲰP / TAPC૪ / S CЄ/ΛЄVK, O CEP/RΛIAC in seven lines. Cheynet, Sceaux de la collection Zacos, no. 44. An impressive seal of an important Byzantine judge. Scrapes on the obverse and some roughness, otherwise, good very fine.

From a European collection, acquired before 2021.

As Cheynet notes, documentary evidence tells us Nikolaos was also a provincial judge in the western regions of the empire, i.e.of Boleron, Strymon and Thessalonica. This was in 1062, which means our seal must date to approximately the middle of the 11th century as well. Another seal type which can be attributed to him has a less elaborate legend, mentioning only the office of judge of the Hippodrome and the Velum (Laurent, Corpus II 842).
50 CHF
280 CHF
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